Masters World Cup 2024 gathers senior cross-country skiers once again in Vuokatti

Masters World Cup returns to Finland and Vuokatti after eight years! Competitions take place in familiar venue of Vuokatti Sport from February 9th to 16th, 2024. Over 550 participants from a total of 27 different countries have registered for the event. The host country Finland will be participating with a record-breaking number of competitors, as more than 200 people have signed up!

There are total of five competition days, and the competition distances range from 5 km to 30 km. Competitions will be held in both classic and skate techniques, as medals will be awarded in three competitions from each technique. Additionally, the competition program also includes 4 x 5 km relays. Competitors re divided into 13 different age groups, with the youngest participants born in 1993, and the most experienced, Charles French from the United States of America, being born in 1926!


Expect joyful athmosphere – the medals are not the most important

Aito Pennanen from Kajaani, Finland, is participating Masters World Cup for the seventh time. He has participated races all over the world and in Masters competitions the atmosphere has always been nothing but great.

” In these Masters competitions, there’s always been exceptionally high level of respect for others and truly a feeling of one big family. Whether my competitors have been Finnish or from foreign countries, we’ve always gotten along well, and during the competition week, social relationships strengthen for sure.”

Pennanen is also happy about the growing number of participants from the host country.

” I’ve noticed the significant increase in the number of participants from Finland and that makes me very happy! I want to encourage everyone to participate in these competitions also in the future and I hope that through events like these, people find motivation for active lifestyle in their daily life. The participants in these competitions are the kind of people who understand that a person’s worth doesn’t come through medals, but the most important thing is to participate and to enjoy an active lifestyle with fellow competitors,” Pennanen concludes.


Partners and collaboration emphasized in the organization process

Vuokatti Sport is the responsible organizer of the competitions, overseeing everything from accommodation services to restaurant services and race operations to closing banquet. Even for experienced event organizers, the Masters World Cup is a big commitment and intensive week that has been prepared over a long period of time.

” We have been preparing for the competitions for about 1.5 years, which might sound like a long time but along with the other ’normal work’ the time just flies by! Fortunately, we have a fantastic team and experience in organizing events of various sizes over the years, so things don’t come as a surprise. Our whole organization is involved in these competitions one way or another. However, our own organization is not enough to handle such large events and thus, I want to especially thank our crucial partners Kainuu Vocational College, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences and the municipality of Sotkamo, says the Secretary General Ann-Mary Ähtävä.


Competition website:

More information:

Secretary General: Ann-Mary Ähtävä,, +358 44 307 5759

Event Coordinator: Mette Leskinen,, +358 40 356 0155

Media and communications: Topi Kuorelahti,, +358 44 414 8883



Niilo Moilanen – Cross-country Skiing

Name: Niilo Moilanen
Born: 17.05.2001
Club: Pohti Ski Team
Coach: Tuomo Kiviniemi





Verneri Poikonen – Cross-country Skiing

Name: Verneri Poikonen
Born: 17.07.1998
Club: Äänekosken Huima
Coach: Jussi Simula




Oskari Hökkä – Cross-country skiing

Name: Oskari Hökkä
Born: 30.06.1999
Club: Taivalkosken Metsä-Veikot 85
Coach: Tuomo Hökkä




Tuuli Raunio – Cross-country Skiing

Name: Tuuli Raunio
Born: 11.03.2002
Club: Kankaantaan Kisa




Remi Lindholm – Cross-country Skiing

Name: Remi Lindholm
Born: 17.01.1998
Club: Imatran Urheilijat
Coach: Santeri Erola






Sauna for 30-35 people.  Pikku-Eikka is located right by the lake Särkinen so during the summer time you can go swimming straight from the sauna and also in winter we have option for ice swimming!

Conference Room Turre is located in the same building with Iso-Eikka!


  • 200 €/night (17:00 – 22:00)

Prices include towels.

Book the sauna or ask for an offer from our sales office:



Sauna for 10-15 people.  Pikku-Eikka is located right by the lake Särkinen so during the summer time you can go swimming straight from the sauna and also in winter we have option for ice swimming!


  • 150 €/night (17:00 – 22:00)

Prices include towels.

Book the sauna or ask for an offer from our sales office:




sprint FIS-races 18-20yrs, M/W

Sprintti 1 km


Markus Vuorela – Cross-country Skiing

Name: Markus Vuorela
Born: 28.05.1996
Club: Jämin Jänne
Coach: Jussi Piirainen





Katri Lylynperä – Cross-country skiing

Name: Katri Lylynperä
Born: 03.01.1994
Club: Vuokatti Ski Team Kainuu
Coach: Juho Halonen





Miska Poikkimäki – Cross-country skiing

Name: Miska Poikkimäki
Born: 6.1.2000
Club: Vuokatti Ski Team Kainuu
Coach: Jussi Piirainen



Book your training camp!

Vuokatti Olympic Training Center is the home of winter sports. No matter what time of the year it is, the wide range of our training facilities gives the opportunity to progress in your career. Hundreds of kilometres of ski and running trails, ski tunnel, biathlon range, roller ski track, ski jumps etc. Take your pick!

After the training, recovery is guaranteed with good food and relaxing. Lucky for you, our restaurant and all of the accommodation options are located right by the training facilities so no time is wasted during your training day.


Training Camp at Vuokatti Sport
Starting price: 95€/person/night full board (inc. accommodation, three meals/day (breakfast, lunch, dinner), free use of the training facilities)

Ask more and book your training camp!

Sales Office
+358 8 6191 500


Thank you for your registration!

If you have any questions, please contact:

See you in Vuokatti! 🙂

Media Accreditation JWSC 2021 Vuokatti

When filling out this form you will automatically accept our Covid-19 protocols.

When arriving to Vuokatti you have to have a negative Covid-19 test proof not older than 72h. Upon arrival to Vuokatti, there will be another Covid-19 test.

More information: JWSC 2021

Please contact our Sales Office for accommodation requests!


JWSC Team informations

Contact Info

Vuokatti Sport Resort
Opistontie 4
FI-88610 Vuokatti




Secretary General

Ann-Mary Ähtävä

+358 44 3075759


Accommodation and transportation

Sanna Lindeman and Minna Lukkari

+358 86191500


Media & Communications

Topi Kuorelahti

+358 444148883


Finnish Ski Association

Ismo Hämäläinen



Chief of Competition

Jyri Pelkonen




FIS Assistant Race Director of Cross Country visiting Vuokatti







Event Program

Sunday 7.2.2021

18.00            Team info meeting

Monday 8.2.2021

10-13.00         Official training U20, Cross Country sprint C (Unofficial training U23) *

18.00              TCM Junior Sprint C, Cross Country, men and women

19.00              Opening ceremony at the stadium


Tuesday 9.2.2021

10.00              Cross Country U20, Sprint C, 1,1km (L) 1,4km (M), Qualification

12.00              Cross Country U20, Sprint C, Finals

14.00              Victory ceremonies at the stadium

15-17.00         Official training U23, Sprint C *

18.00              TCM U23 Sprint C, Cross Country, men and women


Wednesday 10.2.2021

10.00              Cross Country U23, Sprint C, 1,1km (L) 1,4km (M), Qualification

12.00              Cross Country U23, Sprint C, Final

14.00              Victory ceremonies at the stadium

15-17.00         Official training U20, 5 km/10 km F *

18.00              TCM, Junior Individual F, Cross Country, men and women


Thursday 11.2.2021

10.00             Cross Country U20, 5 km F (2 x 2,5km), women

11.30              Victory ceremony ladies at the stadium

12.00             Cross Country U20, 10 km F (3 x 3,3km), men

14.00             Victory ceremony men at the stadium

15-17.00         Official training U23, 10 km/15 km *

18.00             TCM U23 Individual F, Cross Country, men and women


Friday 12.2.2021

10.00            Cross Country U23, 10 km F (3 x 3,3km), women

11.45              Victory ceremony ladies at the stadium

12.00             Cross Country U23, 15 km F (4 x 3,75km), men

14.30             Victory ceremony men at the stadium

15-17.00        Official training relays *

18.00             TCM U20 relays and U23 mixed relay


Saturday 13.2.2021

10.00             Cross Country U20, relay 4 x 3,3 km, women

11.15                Victory ceremony ladies at the stadium

11.30              Cross Country U20, relay 4 x 5 km (2 x 2,5km), men

13.00             Victory ceremony men at the stadium

14.00             Cross Country U23, Mixed relay

15.15               Victory ceremony U23 Mixed relay at the stadium

15-17.00        Official training U20, mass start 15 km / 30 km C *

18.00             TCM Junior Mass Start C, Cross Country, men and ladies


Sunday 14.2.2021

10.00             Cross Country U20, mass start 15 km C (4 x 3,75km), women

12.00             Cross Country U20, mass start 30 km C (8 x 3,75km), men

12.15             Victory ceremony ladies at the stadium

14.00             Victory ceremony men at the stadium


*) decision on the final training times in the discretion of the Cross-Country Jury

Race courses and profiles

1,1km course and profile









1,4km course and profile










2,5 km course and profile









3,3 km course and profile









3,75 km course and profile

Michal Lamplot visiting Vuokatti – 70 days to the start of JWSC 2021!

We are getting closer and closer to the 8th of February when the FIS Nordic Junior and U23 Cross Country World Ski Championships 2021 officially kicks off in Lahti and Vuokatti. Today on the 30th of November, the Assistant Race Director of Cross-Country Skiing in FIS was visiting Vuokatti, the venue of Cross-country events during the JWSC 2021.

During his one-day trip to Vuokatti, Michal got to do the final check for the competition courses and meet some of the race organization. He was pleased to see the facilities and infrastructure in the Olympic Training Center in Vuokatti.

“Maybe it sounds strange but it is the first time I am in Vuokatti. What I have seen is simply amazing, I think that is a right word to explain it what you have here in Vuokatti. It is an Olympic Training Center in the very meaning of the word. You have amazing facilities from training to recovery, dining, and everything else. I have seen some interesting statistics from Olympic champions and medalists who have trained here which shows that the system you have here really works. From the FIS point of view, we are very happy to have the opportunity to have the 2021 Junior World Championships and U23 World Championships in Cross Country here in Vuokatti.”

Thank you from the visit Michal! We hope everything goes well and we see you in February!

Tuomas Harjula – Biathlon

Name: Tuomas Harjula
Born: 8.6.1998
Club: Tuusulan Voima-Veikot
Coach: Niko Aapajärvi



Erika Jänkä – Biathlon

Name: Erika Jänkä
Born: 23.11.1995
Club: Ahveniston Ampumahiihtäjät
Coach: Antti Leppävuori



Jasmin Kähärä – Cross-country skiing

Name: Jasmin Kähärä
Born: 04.05.2000
Club: Vuokatti Ski Team Kainuu
Coach: Jussi Simula



Vilma Nissinen – Cross-country skiing

Name: Vilma Nissinen
Born: 19.11.1997
Club: Vuokatti Ski Team Kainuu
Coach: Jarmo Riski



Anita Korva – Cross-country skiing

Name: Anita Korva
Born: 12.4.1999
Club: Kainuun Hiihtoseura



Ristomatti Hakola – Cross-country skiing

Name: Risto-Matti Hakola

Born: 15.4.1991

Club: Jämin Jänne




Other endurance tests

Indirect bicycle ergometer test

The test determines individual heart rate zones for endurance training, as well as the aerobic and anaerobic threshold. The test is done on a bicycle and usually takes a maximum of 15 minutes. During the test, the resistance is increased step by step. The heart rate is also monitored and the subject is asked about the strain they are experiencing. The test is suitable for everyone, regardless of the age or fitness level of the test person. The test also does not demand maximal efforts.

UKK 2 km walking test

The test tells what the endurance fitness of the person being tested is, in relation to health and performance capacity. During the test, the person walks two kilometers in relatively fast speed. The fitness evaluation is based on the walking time, the heart rate at the end of the test and the background factors of the person (gender, weight/height, age). The test is suitable for exercisers of all levels.


Equipment Tests

For whom? National Teams, Equipment manufacturers, Ski Clubs and professional athletes.

Why? Having accurate data measured from sporting equipment is essential for equipment development and selection. Equipment tests in Vuokatti offer accurate friction measurement for the skis and force transmission properties for the pole shafts. Test data can be used in product development as well as for the selection of the skis and other products. Typical equipment tests are testing pack deformation, wax and grind tests and pole prototype tests.

How? Ski tests are done with a custom-made ski tester on real snow. The temperature of the snow and air can be selected as desired in our specialized cold laboratory where the ski tester is located. The pole force transmission test is done to measure maximal axial force transmission for each pole shaft. As a by-product, the test gives an estimate of shaft bending properties. The test is completed by pressing the pole shaft from both ends axially.

What does the customer get? From the ski test and the pole force measurements, the customer gets a report with measured friction values and the climate data. The customer also gets a professional evaluation of the result as planned with the customer.


Biathlon shooting tests in laboratory

For whom? Biathlon shooting laboratory tests are suitable for all biathletes who have learned the basics of shooting. The tests are designed for those performing systematic biathlon shooting training.

Why? The biathlon shooting laboratory test is performed to measure the technical components of shooting (rifle sway, aiming, triggering, balance) and to follow their development. The difference compared to field tests, in which the number of hits, points, running time, or a combination of those is measured, is that in the laboratory test the components behind the result are analyzed. This could be compared with endurance performance testing, for example, by looking at the difference between the 3000 m running test time and the incremental VO2max treadmill test by pole walking or roller skiing on the treadmill in which breathing gasses are analyzed and lactate is determined from fingertip blood samples. The 3000m running test only gives you time, whereas the VO2max test gives you information about thresholds and training intensity zones, VO2 values and economy at certain speeds, etc.

How? The test or a combination of tests (single-shots/5-shot series, prone/standing) is selected based on the athlete’s training background, level and needs analysis together with the tester. Usually the first test session consists of single-shot testing. After the first test, the most suitable tests for follow-up of the individual’s progress are determined. In one test session the athlete can perform either a singles-test and a 5-shot series test using the same shooting posture (prone or standing), a singles-test using both shooting postures (prone and standing), a 5-shot series test using both shooting postures (prone and standing), or any of the different tests separately.

The tests are performed in standardized conditions in a shooting laboratory using dry-firing at a scaled target 10 meters away from the shooter. In the single-shots test the athlete performs zeroing and 20 x 1 shot, rebuilding the shooting posture for each repetition. In the 5-shot series test the athlete performs zeroing and 10 x 5 shot series using his/her normal shooting rhythm, rebuilding the shooting posture for each repetition.

What does the customer get? The level of each technical component of shooting (rifle sway, aiming triggering, balance) are analyzed. Using a web browser based Coachtech application, the customer is able to see the shots performed during the test graphically (aiming point movement, postural sway). It is also possible to compare any two selected shots/series graphically within each test or between tests.


Coachtech biathlon shooting test variables and definitions HERE!


Anaerobic capacity tests

For whom? The test is for elite cross-country skiers and competitive recreational athletes.

Why? This test determines anaerobic capacity, power, economy and the functionality of the neuromuscular system. In other words, this test measures the characteristics needed at workloads that exceed maximal aerobic capacity during short sprints. The test gives us information on sprint skiing capability and helps us to monitor sprint skiing development.

How? This test is done on a large treadmill using ether pole walking, roller skiing with double poling technique, or roller skiing with Gear 3 (V2) skating technique. The test protocol consists of 20 second workloads followed by 100 seconds of rest. Each subsequent load is increased such that the following load is always slightly harder than the previous one. In the pole running test both speed and gradient are increased gradually while during skiing tests (DP and G3) only the speed is increased and a constant uphill gradient is used till the end. This test is done until voluntary exhaustion in order to determine the maximal power athlete can achieve. Lactate is measured from the fingertip during each rest period between loads.

What does the customer get? The athlete receives a report that shows the speeds / power at the lactate levels of 3, 5, 7, 10 and 13 mmol/l, which indicates the status of his/her anaerobic capacity. In addition, special technique guidance is provided from the roller skiing tests for each athlete. During the test, video is captured by cameras located to the side and rear of the athlete. Technical parameters are also collected and analyzed with the Coachtech system. After the test, the athlete will be provided with credentials for the Coachtech online feedback system where the videos and parameters can be viewed and compared to previous tests.


Anaerobic Capacity Test – Protocol


Coachtech skiing test variables and definitions HERE!


Aerobic capacity test

For whom?  The test is for elite cross-country skiers and competitive recreational athletes.

Why? A long aerobic capacity test is completed in order to measure an individual’s endurance capacity and maximal oxygen uptake. The test tells us about the distance skiing capacity (when the skiing distance is over 5 km) and its development over time. The test should be done two to three times a season in order to monitor the athletes’ physical condition and to get direct training guidance based on the existing situation.

How? This test is done on a large treadmill using either pole walking, roller skiing with double poling technique, or roller skiing with Gear 3 (V2) skating technique. The test protocol consists of three-minute loads that increase such that loads become progressively harder. In the pole walking test both speed and gradient are increased gradually while during the skiing tests (DP and G3) only the speed increases and a constant uphill gradient is used. Each test is done until voluntary exhaustion in order to determine the maximal oxygen uptake and corresponding workload. Blood lactate is measured from the fingertip between every load when the treadmill is paused. Expired breathing gases are measured during the test using an ergospirometer.

What does the customer get? The customer will get a report that contains information about their aerobic and anaerobic thresholds as well as maximal oxygen uptake.  Based on these parameters, the athlete will get heart rate zones for different intensity levels and guidelines for training. In addition, special technique guidance is provided from the roller skiing tests for each athlete. During the test, video is captured by cameras located to the side and rear of the athlete. Technical parameters (REF) are also collected and analyzed with the Coachtech system. After the test, the athlete will be provided with credentials for the Coachtech online feedback system where the videos and parameters can be viewed and compared to previous tests.


Aerobic Capacity Test – Protocol


Coachtech skiing test variables and definitions HERE!



Firstbeat measurement is based on the heart rate variability analysis. Firstbeat measures your recovery and helps to recognize stress factors in your work and freetime. Even the small changes might help you to improve your well-being. Firstbeat analysis measures the quality of your sleep and helps to find solutions for better recovery. The result of the analysis will tell you if your active enough and if your training is efficient enough in order to achieve positive health benefits and better physical shape.

The package includes:

  • Three day heart rate variability measurements in your daily activities
  • Delivery of the Firstbeat device and an envelope to return the device back to us (in Finland, outside Finland with further discussion)
  • Individual well being reports through email
  • 30 min feedback conversation on the phone with one of our professionals
  • Suggestions based on your results to improve your well being





Training Facilities and Conditions

In the middle of beautiful Kainuu, Vuokatti Sport offers all the best training facilities both indoor and outdoor. Everything you need to become a champion!

Our training facilities are all built close by our hotel. This way you will not waste time traveling between different facilities and restaurant/hotel. This will allow you to maximize the recovery time and helps you to progress with your career!


Vuokatti Sport Biathlon Team on a first training camp of the year with coaches Kaisa Mäkäräinen, Ville Nousiainen and Kalle Lassila!

Happy to announce a new Vuokatti Sport Biathlon Team!

The group that is designated especially to young adults is currently on their first training camp. The team consists of nine biathletes between ages 18 and 25 and the team’s training camps will all be located in Vuoaktti. There will be a total of five training camps and the next next training camp will be in September.

Coaches for this team are world class, since the group is coached by Kaisa Mäkäräinen, who ended her biathlon career last spring, together with ex National Team skiers Ville Nousiainen and Kalle Lassila!

Preparing to the test

The most important thing when preparing to the test is that the test should be done when you are completely healthy. The week before the test should be without any symptoms from a sickness. Doing a test while being sick is a health risk and thus, if you are or have been sick before the test please contact us and we can think the situation through together.

For test results to be as reliable as possible, the test should be done when you feel rested. However, depending from the test persons training background, it is recommended to do easy training also few days before the test.

During the test day and the day before you should avoid alcohol. It is also recommended to not have too much caffeine before the test. Eating before the test is very individual, but usually it is recommended to eat enough so that you have enough energy for the test but to avoid heavy food (highly greasy food) 3 hours before the test.


Booking and more information:

Virtanen Mikko, phone: 0500 772 695, email:
Head of the Vuokatti Sport Test Lab

Uotila Jyrki, phone: 0400 628 794, email:
Bookings of the Test Lab

Kettunen Oona, email:
Bookings of the Test Lab


Vuokatti Sport Sales Office

08 6191 500

March 2025